Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 28: Pictures of Last Day in Hospital

We received pictures that were taken at the hospital on Ethan's last day. He didn't cooperate much as he wouldn't wake up, but we couldn't help purchasing them anyway since it was such a momentous occasion. He's already grown so much from these pictures, it's really remarkable.

Jon and I brought Ethan to Milwaukee this past weekend so he could see Grandma and meet his Great Grandma, Uncle Bob and Aunt Brandi and Great Aunt and Uncle Diane and John. Unfortunately, Grandpa was in the hospital recovering from surgery, but we were able to visit him while Grandma babysat and he is well on his way to recovery and should be home by now. We send our love to him and will be visiting again soon so he can get some time with Ethan. It was a short but good trip. We had to leave Otis at home for the first time and it was sad, but we didn't want to take on too much the first road trip. Poor Otis; no longer the baby of the family.

Ethan continues to grow at home. I'm not sure what he weighs these days, but I would guess he's past the 6 1/2 # mark by now...he feels heavier. Jon measured him and he is now 20 in. Crazy! He has another pediatrician appt this Friday, so we'll get a more accurate reading then. We did have him tested for acid reflux last week and we now know that he does not have it. Which we sorta knew since he's only spit up twice in his little life.

So, we have a big weekend coming up. Peni and Aaron are coming in from Grand Forks for a visit. It will give me an opportunity to get Ethan out a little as we have plans to see some of Chicago. I hope the weather cooperates. And Auntie Shell will get her first chance to baby sit as we're planning a dinner out when they are here.

Before I wrap, I can't help but to mention that we are on some major baby watch these days. Adrienne, Jody and Lis... we're thinking about you guys and can't wait until your little bundles arrive! Ethan needs playmates. It's a baby epidemic :)

1 comment:

  1. Sleeping or not, these pictures are awesome. Hope Grandpa is doing OK, and I can't wait to hear about all the new babies! See you this week, hopefully!
