Even though summer hasn't quite shown up yet weather wise, we've been getting out a lot over the last couple of weeks. We've been able to 'do lunch' with MM, hang out with Margaret and the boys and now that Baylor and Beckett are here, we've even had a couple of play dates with the whole new baby crew.
Going from left to right, we've got Morgan (8mos), Beckett (aka Diego), Ethan and rounding out the 4some is li'l Baylor. Interestingly enough, when you put 4 babies next to each other like this, chaos ensues. They were all wiggling (thus the blurry picture). Ethan was swinging his arms and hitting the others...Baylor was trying to suck on Ethan's flailing arm. They all started making crazy noises. It was like a little social experiment gone awry. :)
Ethan is doing great. He's over the 10lb mark and rolling over on a regular basis and is expanding his vocabulary to things that sound like ohhhwwwaaa and aighhhhh. He's brilliant, we just know it ;-) He sleeps fairly well at night now, so he's giving his mom and dad a break. Although, I'm still having mush brain moments. Just yesterday, I went to make a cup of coffee and forgot to put a cup underneath. It took me 5 whole minutes to realize this as I though I had already grabbed the cup and put it down somewhere. Never mind the big mess on the counter top which I didn't notice. Really? What has happened to me.
Ethan just started to nap in his pack n play rather than on me this week. This is surely not consistent yet, but baby steps, right? :) I think it'll be a little longer as I play the role of the human mattress, but we're moving in the right direction. Jen gave us a swing last month that has saved our lives. He falls asleep instantly and although we try not to abuse this magical power, we are now able to (mostly) have dinner without interruptions.
We head for MN next week...2 1/2 weeks visiting Grandma and Grandpa Kruse, Shelly, Peni, Nikkie and the Fargo crew. I also have a reunion, so will be heading back to Plummer and will have the chance to catch up with all of my high school friends. It's going to be a schedule packed trip, but I can't wait. Otis gets to make the trip too...it's his annual summer vacation where he gets to run off leash and swim in the Mississippi when ever he feels like it. It will be a good time for all. Let's hope summer is here by then!
I'll be back next week with pictures of our MI trip I'm sure. Have a great weekend everyone!
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