Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy 2010!

Happy New Year everyone! Just a quick post as it's been so long since the last. The holidays flew by. I feel like we were constantly on the move, but didn't get to see everyone that we would have liked to.

A few congratulations to throw out! Congratulations to Colleen and Joe who were married on Jan 2nd. The weather may have been cold, but the wedding was warm and beautiful and I think Colleen goes down as one of the Top 5 most gorgeous brides I've ever seen. Great party guys!

Also, to Jody and Keith. Although we have not heard anything official, I've seen little hints here and there on FB. ;) We'll talk next weekend.

On to Ethan: he's crazy. He doesn't like to sit still. He went from crawling to pulling himself up on everything to cruising along furniture and now he is standing by himself for small periods of time. I have a feeling that walking isn't too far in our future. It's been a fun month watching him teeter around, gaining confidence and exploring his new world; not to mention exhausting. He does not like to sit still to get dressed or to have his diaper changed. It's a battle of wills almost every time. Sometimes Jon and I have to tag team him to get him ready for bed and it usually is a 15 minute endeavor. I've given in to letting him chew on whatever he pleases just to keep him still. Unfortunately, he really like to chew on his booger sucker thing. Although it's clean, it's still disturbing.

Funny story of the day: Grandma Kruse got a crash course on "diaper changing - Ethan style" over Christmas. Shell and I snuck out for a few hours to catch a movie. When out, Ethan made a mess in his pants, so mom...all alone, tried to change him on the bed. With so much room to move around, Ethan was crawling everywhere, wiggling free and pretty much wore her down. When we got home, I noticed that Ethan's pants looked weird. I looked a little closer... "Mom, are Ethan's pants are on backwards?" They were and she didn't care. Her response was that she was lucky even to get pants ON the little bugger. Shell and I understood all too well and I joked that his diaper was probably on backwards. I snuck a peak just as a joke and it was! I couldn't stop laughing b/c I could visualize Ethan crawling across the bed and mom chasing him trying to put the diaper on him with his little butt up in the air. Why can I picture this so well? Because this is a daily instance in our household. :) No harm, no foul...right? I'm sure diapers are just as effective which ever way they are facing.

The Big "1" is coming up quickly. Can you believe it? Chuck E Cheese, here we come!

1 comment:

  1. Love It! I've been waiting a LONG time for an Ethan update.
