Ethan, crazy little boy. You can actually see him learning every day. You can see him pondering and thinking though situations. I know all mom's out there understand the pride/awe combo that comes with those learning moments. He now plays with what seems like a sense of purpose. He is able to pull his stacking barrels apart and put them back together (sometimes with mom’s help, but more and more on his own). He knows that when he puts his blocks into the slot of his train, it comes flying out into the back wagon. He hides his toys in the couch and comes back to play with them later (disturbingly like Otis, but that’s another matter altogether). My favorite new game is one he started. He will come up to me and pull on my pants leg and then crawl away really fast. I started chasing him down on my hands and knees one day and he started laughing hysterically. So I went to hide behind the chair and he came looking for me and it was on again! A chase that ended in laughs and a lot of kisses. So, now we have a morning ritual, he gets a little smile on his face and he comes over to pull on my leg, and off we go. It’s so funny. Now, I just need to get some knee pads. Hard wood floors are hard my old knees!!
He’s not walking yet. Still doesn’t seem to interested, but he is standing a lot more on his own. Most of the time when he’s not thinking too hard about it. When he’s really investigating a new toy. Or when he’s watching his favorite commercial on TV, the Chase one where they sing “you’re everywhere to me”…, or when watching the weather. The weather will stop him cold in his tracks and you cannot bother him when it’s on. Hmmm, maybe if he watched less TV he could focus on walking? :) anyways, he seems close, but still no steps.
We’ve incorporated daily teeth brushings into his schedule. We did this shortly after his 1st birthday. I mean, he does have 8 teeth. I was dreading it prior to trying it thinking it would not go well. But in true Ethan fashion, he took it in stride and even seems enjoys it. He starts smiling while we head to the bathroom at the end of the night as he knows what’s coming. Although, he does try to suck the toothpaste off the brush once in his mouth, which makes it hard to actually brush the teeth, but whatever, baby steps.
He got yet another haircut this week. I lost count, is this 6? Or 7? I went really short this time since it grew back so fast. It’s very cute, but he looks like a completely different little boy. They took a LOT of hair off the top. We could construct a mean toupee with the clippings.
Other tidbits: he hates his high chair. Hates it. We have a restaurant type one on order as he seems to do much better when he’s less constricted and can be at the table. Although, he’s turning out to be the best eater. I don’t know where the kid puts it all! The only thing that he won’t eat is broccoli. But I made a broccoli / cheese pasta sauce and he loves it. So, that was an easy fix. I can only hope this trend continues. I’m cooking a lot more. Me, cooking. I know what you all are thinking… I love me some take out and Jon does most of the cooking to keep me from finding the nearest Chipotle (or worse yet, making HIM go find the nearest Chipotle). But it’s been fun to cook for Ethan. Jon bought this ‘super foods’ baby cook book back when I was still pregnant and it has the best recipes for different pasta sauces and clever ways to combine vegetables and fun dinners (chicken balls anyone?). And they are easy! So now, Ethan has homemade pasta sauces or Sheppard’s pie for dinner (and chicken balls). It makes me feel like I’m being a good mom :) although, we do have the occasional fish stick night or grilled cheese. The kid loves his cheese.
He’s starting to take an interest in his books as well. He likes to sit next to Jon or I in a chair, like a big boy, and read Curious George, 8 Silly Monkeys, the 100 First Hundred Words book, Good Night Moon and Hooray for Fish (his current fav’s) over and over. This morning, he crawled over to the rocking chair, so I grabbed a couple of books out of the book case and he started smiling and trying to get up onto the chair. It was adorable. I am so happy he loves books. I hope it stays with him, it means a lot to me since I have always been such an avid reader.
All in all, things in the parent world are cruising along with very few blips in the road. Now if there were just a few more hours in the day to focus on things other than being Ethan’s mom or work…?? I know, all of you parents out there are smirking that knowing smile, thinking…yeah, that’s not going to happen. Sigh.
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