Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 17: ...and a step back

Just a quick update as there have been some changes since the last post. I should know not to get too far ahead of myself, it comes back to bite me. We've had setbacks over the last couple of days. Ethan's respiratory rate is still higher than it should be and hasn't normalized. It's been consistently above 100 where the doctors would like to see it 60 or under. No one can pinpoint why this is happening. He looks like he's comfortable and doesn't seem under stress. His doctors are stumped, so they are throwing everything at him. He was given another blood transfusion...still high. They did (another) chest x-ray to make sure his lungs aren't wet. This too came back normal. They are doing a heart ultrasound sometime tonight. He's never had one of these, so Tracy his nurse is thinking this is a good thing anyways. He is also going through more blood tests and finally, they put the cannula back in to see if he just is getting tired of breathing on his own, although his blood/oxygen saturation rates are looking great. We'll see if any of the above will help.

We're a little confused on all of this and are not sure if we should be worried or if it's just part of the process of being only 34weeks gestational age. No one is freaking out and the doctors seem calm. Sigh.

In good news, he gained 2 ounces. He's now up to 3lbs 13oz or 1740 grams. Only 2 1/2 ounces (60 grams) to go to 4lbs. He also had another eye test today, which came back normal. He will now have one once a week for awhile as his eyes are going through a rapid development phase.

Again, I ask you to send your good thoughts Ethan and pray that the respiratory rate thing will turn out to be a non-issue. Please, please, please make it a non-issue.


  1. Sending all positive thinking I have your way!!! He's just pre-testing you for when he's a teenager and nobody can figure out why he's doing what he's doing then either! :)
    Love, love, love and hugs.

  2. So Ethan has the Drs. jumping through hoops, huh? While he sits back and enjoys the attention - hmmm, wonder where he gets that? Ha! Good thoughts are on their way:-) Take care, little man!

  3. Really Ethan, you are becoming more like your mother every day - drama, drama, drama - just can't let things run smooth! We're you feeling neglected? :) I'm still gonna send you all my love and good thoughts...just like I do for your mommy. 46 days and counting until we finally meet!

  4. Sending my thoughts to Ethan. He is so strong and it WILL be ok!! Hope to come visit him soon.

    all the love,
