Quick little story to start the blog today. On Auntie Shell's visits it's almost a given that Ethan is sleeping. She usually just misses him awake; either she gets there right after an energy burst or as soon as she leaves, he wakes up. Despite of this, she can't help but touch him anyway. It's all become kind of a joke. So, today when she came for a visit over her lunch, per usual, Ethan was passed out. And per usual, she couldn't help but touch him and bug him a little. Above is a post of a picture of his response to her today...he wasn't havin' it. :)
Ethan's still doing well on his antibiotics. If tomorrow's x-ray looks good, they will start his feeds again on Wednesday, so cross your fingers that everything goes as planned. On the not such good news, he gets his ROP eye exam tomorrow. Preemies are at a bigger risk for several types of eye problems. They say this test is not 'comfortable' for the baby. It sounds a little worse than not 'comfortable'. They will give him eye drops to numb the eyes before starting, then open the eye as far as possible to look at all parts of the eye...pretty invasive procedure...ugh. I know this is something that needs to be done, but I have been dreading this test ever since they told us about it. I can't even think about them doing this to my little boy. I'll be happy when it's all over.
Back to better news...he is up to 2lbs 13 oz today, so his growth is still going steady. I noticed today that his ID band fit. It's a big moment as last week when they tried to put it on his ankle, it would just fall off. It's hard to believe that just one week could make such a difference! His little toes and fingers are even beginning to look chubby...(hopefully they don't get as chubby as mommy's toes...but that's another story entirely)!
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to hold him today. I had a nurse that didn't like to wake him if he's sleeping. Well, he never woke up completely the whole time I was there. We still had a good day though...I spent a lot of the time reading to him. Thank you to Nancy and Staci for the awesome books! We read "On the Day You Were Born", "You are my I Love You", "ABC I Love You" and "The Little Train that Could". It's been a long time since I've read children's books and I don't know if I was just a little emotional or what, but those books were so sweet, I kept choking up. I think Ethan enjoyed them. He kept his eyes closed while reading, but when I would stop, he would open his eyes and look around until I started reading again, he would close them again. It was all very touching and we found a new way to bond.
Ethan's still doing well on his antibiotics. If tomorrow's x-ray looks good, they will start his feeds again on Wednesday, so cross your fingers that everything goes as planned. On the not such good news, he gets his ROP eye exam tomorrow. Preemies are at a bigger risk for several types of eye problems. They say this test is not 'comfortable' for the baby. It sounds a little worse than not 'comfortable'. They will give him eye drops to numb the eyes before starting, then open the eye as far as possible to look at all parts of the eye...pretty invasive procedure...ugh. I know this is something that needs to be done, but I have been dreading this test ever since they told us about it. I can't even think about them doing this to my little boy. I'll be happy when it's all over.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to hold him today. I had a nurse that didn't like to wake him if he's sleeping. Well, he never woke up completely the whole time I was there. We still had a good day though...I spent a lot of the time reading to him. Thank you to Nancy and Staci for the awesome books! We read "On the Day You Were Born", "You are my I Love You", "ABC I Love You" and "The Little Train that Could". It's been a long time since I've read children's books and I don't know if I was just a little emotional or what, but those books were so sweet, I kept choking up. I think Ethan enjoyed them. He kept his eyes closed while reading, but when I would stop, he would open his eyes and look around until I started reading again, he would close them again. It was all very touching and we found a new way to bond.
Since I started with a picture of Ethan with an attitude, I'll end with him looking all sweet :)
PS... A couple of you have told me that you haven't been able to post comments. I checked out the settings and it looks like I had disabled this somehow...oops! You should now be able to leave comments again.
This picture totally made my day! Hysterical. I'm so bummed we couldn't come see you Sunday. :-( See you this weekend!