When doing his checks yesterday, Ethan managed to pull his feeding tube all of the way out of his mouth. It had to replaced as it was no longer sterile, which meant our nurse had to pull the tape off that held the old tube in place. The poor little guy cried so loud! I was horrified that he was in pain. It was hard to take. But, it made me realize how much progress he has made. His crying is so loud now. Not so long ago, he couldn't make any noise but a little whisper, now, he is belting out these cries that you can hear from the hallway.
After the tape episode, we were able to kangaroo. He quickly settled down and we had another great afternoon. His breathing has evened out and he was having less drops than the couple of days prior, so it was all very peaceful.
I started getting sick last night after getting back from the hospital and today woke
up feeling like hell; which means that I was not able to visit Ethan today and I may not able to see him tomorrow, depending on how things go. It's the first day that I've missed since he was born and it was hard. Although, I knew it is best for both him and I for me to get healthy before visiting again. I spent most of the day hopped up on Dayquil to keep myself from coughing fits. Fun, fun. My loss was Jon's gain. He finally got to hold him :) This was actually planned before I got sick, but made it a little easier for me to give him up. He finally was able to experience how great it is to hold our little boy. It's pretty amazing.
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