Happy Valentines Day ...belated! I hope every one had a good weekend. We definitely did. Ethan not only hit the 2lb mark, but also went over 1000 grams for the first time! He had a 45 gram gain in one day and is up to 2lbs 3oz. I guess Jon holding him for 3 days in a row has had some positive effects on the little guy. We couldn't be happier with his weight progress. Before we know it he's going to be topping 3lbs! :) In other great Ethan news, he had a good day with fewer than usual drops in his breathing, so the doctors brought his air pressure down from a level 3 to a level 2. I was a little surprised (I say that alot don't I?) as he had been having quite a few episodes just earlier in the week. But he's doing great on the lower pressure and it was very comforting to see that his drops were still down at today's visit.
We had a big weekend of visitors at the hospital. Starting on Saturday, Larry and Theresa visited us from Milwaukee. They hadn't seen Ethan in 3 weeks. He has changed so much since then and I had such great pride being able to show him off to his Grandma and Grandpa. It makes Jon and I both feel more like a family to have family there, if that makes sense. Theresa, God bless her, brought us a bunch of frozen home-made dinners that we can just throw in the oven. We are set for at least a week!!
Sunday was a really good da
y as well. We drove Otis over to Jen's so Elliot and Otis could play (thank you Jen!) and then were off to the hospital. First, Nancy, who was in from Dallas, and Staci stopped by to see Ethan. We hadn't seen Nancy since before Christmas and Staci hasn't been able to stop by b/c she's been sick, so it was so good to see both of them. He was pretty alert and kept us all entertained with his smiles (I still swear they are smiles) and his rendition of a one-eyed pirate.
We then had a visit from Jody and Keith, who were at Prentice for their infant CPR class (they are due on May 8!!) It was fun catching up with them and we got to see how Jody's pregnancy is progressing. She looks so cute!! And to round out the day, Heather and Max stopped in to say hi. It was awesome to see everyone! Jody, Keith, Heather and Max were all there when I was holding Ethan, so he was passed out cold. He usually is when he is being held, he gets so comfy.
Thanks, everyone, for the visits. Jon and I loved it. Hopefully soon, we'll all get to hang out somewhere else other than the hospital, right?
Note: I do plan to put together another poll with new pictures. But it's getting late tonight, so look for it in the next couple of days. In the mean time, I've posted new pictures to the right. You'll notice that I snuck a picture of Otis in the Feb 13 album...I couldn't help myself. He's my baby too.
He looks so good! More like a baby and less like a little old man every day! I can't wait to kick this cold so I can come see him. We'll be in touch. And thanks for bringing Otis over. El was out cold all night. Just what I wanted!
ReplyDeleteSorry i couldn't visit yesterday and sad that i didn't see Larry and Theresa! i would love to plan a visit soon, maybe during the week when things are a little less hectic for you guys. Ethan is getting so big! i can't believe his progress. i'm glad that ethan is taking after me with his ability to pile on weight. i hope he continues! :-)